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0.17 releasedPosted by orgin at 20080820 12:55
Added file attachments and content page directories and fixed a few minor issues.

Main changes

It is now possible to upload files and attach them to News items, Content pages and Projects. You need to be a moderator to attach files. With the exception that all project members can attach files to projects.

It is also possible to group content pages in sub directories. This makes it easier to separate content pages such as guides, menu items etc. You need to be a moderator to configure the sub directories.

Change log:

- Add ability to attach files to pages
- Add ability to attach files to news
- Add ability to attach files to projects

- Add ability to group content pages in folders

- fix problem with locked threads and permissions
- add a space between news item synopsis and text

- Fix project member list html error

- Move recent forum activity list into standardhtml

Update information:
The Page table has a new column: DirectoryID
A new table has been added: Directory
A set of new access labels has been added to settings/accesslabels
A set of new settings parameters has been added to settings/settings.php
Several new buttons has been added to images/buttons
.htaccess has a few new file upload options for attachments
Copy all *.php files from the root directory to your old install
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Liquorice bounty engine, Created in 2007-2008 by Björn Hagström