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Title:Port Gnash (Shockwave Engine) to AmigaOS4
Gnash breakdown
Gnash FAQ
Gnash Manual
Code Dependencies

Project members:
Bounty:0 EUR   Out of 0 EUR originally submitted.
Description:Port the open source Shockwave Engine Gnash to AmigaOS4 + a small player to make it usable.

Short: Port of the open source SWF engine Gnash to AmigaOS4.

Licence: Preferably released under the GPL (same as GNASH uses) license if possible.

What should be done in bounty release:

- Gnash Engine:
o Port the engine
o Turn it into a .linrary and/or .mcc

- Optional:
o IBrowse plugin (.library, .mcc based)

Ideally the main engine could be turned into a .mcc or .library at bounty release, so that it can be used in other applications.
Created by:Raziel
Created at:20071128 15:35
Deadline:Not set
Finished at:Not finished
Last update:Not updated
Assigned to:Not assigned
Suggested by:Raziel

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Liquorice bounty engine, Created in 2007-2008 by Björn Hagström