Table: Project Description: Project details * ProjectID - ProjectStatusID - CategoryID - CreatedByUserID - AssignedToUserID CreatedDate DeadlineDate FinishedDate UpdatedDate Target MonthlyTarget Description Title Synopsis SuggestedByName ProjectIconURL DonationHTML GenerateDonationHTML Comment Table: Task Description: Task details * TaskID - ProjectID - AssignedToUserID Title Description AssignedToName Progress CreatedDate FinishedDate UpdatedDate Table: Donation Description: Donation details, relates a donation to a project * DonationID - ProjectID Amount OriginalAmount PaypalName PaypalEmail Date Table: PaymentOption Description: Defines available payment options * PaymentOptionID Title Table: History Description: Project history details * HistoryID - ProjectID - CreatedByUserID CreatedDate Title Text Table: Category Description: Defines available project categories * CategoryID - ParentCategoryID Title Description Table: User Description: User details * UserID - AccessLevelID - PaymentOptionID Username Password PaypalEmail ContactEmail FullName HomepageURL Description UserIconURL CreatedDate ActiveDate PaymentDetails ValidationString Table: AccessLevel Description: Defines available website access levels * AccessLevelID Title Table: Member Description: Relates users to projects * MemberID - UserID - ProjectID Table: Comment Description: Comment details * CommentID - CreatedByUserID Title Text CreatedByIP CreatedDate Locked Table: HistoryComment Description: Relates comments to history entries * HistoryCommentID - CommentID - HistoryID Table: ProjectComment Description: Relates comments to projects - ProjectCommentID - ProjectID - CommentID Table: ProjectStatus Description: Defines available project statuses * ProjectStatusID Title Table: Setting Description: Contains website settings * SettingID Label Value Table: Note Description: Site news items * NoteID - CreatedByUserID - CreatedDate Title Synopsis Text Table: NoteComment Description: Relates comments to news items * NoteCommentID - NoteID - CommentID Table: Page Description: Content Pages * PageID - DirectoryID Name Content Menu TopMenu Access SortOrder Table: Message Description: Users private messages * MessageID - UserID - ToUserID - FromUserID - FolderID Title Text ISRead IsMarked CreatedDate ReadDate Table: Folder Description: Message folders * FolderID - UserID Title Table: Event Description: Defines available events * EventID - AccessLevelID Title Description Table: Subscription Description: Relates users to events * SubscriptionID - UserID - EventID AsMessage AsEmail Table: Forum Description: Defines available forums *ForumID - ParentForumID - ReadAccessLevelID - PostAccessLevelID - ReplyAccessLevelID Title Description SortOrder IsParent Table: Thread Descriprion: Defined available threads * ThreadID - ForumID - ProjectID - CommentID - LastCommentID IsLocked IsSticky IsHidden Table: ThreadComment Description: Relates comments to threads * ThreadCommentID - ThreadID - CommentID Table: Directory Description: Groups pages into folders * DirectoryID - ParentDirectoryID Title